Monday, October 18, 2010

Thai News 10-18-10


Saturday, October 23 @ 6 pm

8910 S. Kingery Hwy, Willowbrook, IL 60527

Free concert การกุศล กับคุณ โฉมฉาย

แจ้งข่าว เรื่อง คุณโฉมฉาย อรุณฉาน มาร่วมงานกฐินของวัดพุทธธรรม กรุณาช่วยส่งข่าวต่อด้วยนะครับ .
please be kind enough to annouce the end of the buddhist lent season and the year 2010 kathina festival

place: wat buddhadhamma
8910 south kingery highway (rt. 83)
willowbrook, illinois 60527
telephone: 630-789-8866 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 630-789-8866 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

date: saturday 23, 2010
3:00pm....................blessing, chanting performed and dhamma talk.
4:00pm....................kathina ceremony
6:00pm music by the chinese house team
sound and equipment by khun oud verachai and team
6:30pm dinner.......plenty of our native thai foods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the beautiful vocal singer former soontraporn
please welcome ms. chomchay arunchan

date: sunday 24, 2010
0 09:00am................silent meditation, chanting sutta
0 09:30am................dhamma talk by ven. worasak worathammo
1 10:30am................pindapata, offering food to monks, blessing.
1 11:30am...............enjoy potluck lunch
1 12:30pm................kathina offering ceremony
................blessing, dedications


Halloween Golf Night
Saturday, Oct 30 @ 6:30 pm

Halloween Costume Dinner Dance
Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010
6:30 pm ’til Midnight
Queen Sirikit Hall • Chicago

Dinner • Dance with The Mission Band
Door Prizes:
GPS, 12mp Sony Digital Camera, Sony Stereo, etc.
Plus over 150 giveaway prizesOpen bar
(Costumes preferred, but not required)

Win $100 for the Best Costume male & female

TICKETS: $50.-

For more information, contact:
Yong-Veschasit Netkalayamit 312-656-7897
Thoung-Kempat Sangern 847-878-4042
Hon-Isarapong Bannapradist 630-935-6129
Ton-Pancheep Jantakanont 224-628-2425
Nok-Jittisan Jothiyood 312-330-8430

Please come have fun with us!!!

Presented by:
The Thai Golf Club of Chicago


งานกฐินพระราชทาน และ การประกวดเทพีนพมาศ

Wat Dhammaram
7059 W. 75th Street, Chicago, IL 60638


Halloween Night at Dharma Garden
Saturday, October 30 at midnight


Here are some pictures of Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha at the reception to launch an exhibition on "Standard Minimum Rules: A New Horizon fo Women Prisoners" at the United Nations head Quarter ,New York. Wed Oct 6th,2010


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