Monday, January 12, 2009

The first year after the passing of Dr. Henry Chen


Dr. Henry Chen

December 5, 1947 - January 12, 2008

Monday, January 12 is the first year after the passing of

Dr. Henry Chen.

He was an extraordinary man and a beloved friend.

Let us all take a moment to remember him.

The family plans to have the one-year memorial service in spring.

More details will be announced at a later time.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust."

Psalm 91:1-2

Dr. Henry Chen was brought into this world on December 5, 1949, in Bangkok, Thailand, the eldest son to Mr. and Mrs. Nai Tao Chen. He is one of the four, having a brother and two sisters.

As a young boy and teenager in Thailand, Dr. Henry Chen lived out his youth and adolescence with friends, family, and the Christian faith.

He attended various academic institutions, excelling in this studies and receiving recognitions and honors for his talents. He fostered great friendships with many, creating bonds that have lasted to this day. And always, he joined his family in praising God, which would have a wonderful impact on his future path in life and how he treated other people around him.

Dr. Henry Chen always had an aptitude towards academics and intellectual thought. Early on, he nurtured his abilities through prestigious schools in Thailand, finally realizing his goal of reaching the United States to continue his studies and pursue his dreams.

Dr. Henry Chen became a New Yorker when he first arrived to this country. He began to studying Engineering at the Brooklyn Polytechnic University, while working various jobs to both experience life and support his way with help from his family. Finally, Dr. Henry Chen headed to medical school at the University of Kansas Medical School and graduated from the medical school on May 15, 1983.

Dr. Henry Chen was on his way to reaching his lifelong pursuit to help those needed it the most. He opened his first medical clinic on Catalpa Ave, Chicago, IL. Over the years, Dr. Henry Chen had had several thriving practices, ending up with the two clinics today in Streamwood and Chicago. In his 25 years of medical practice, Dr. Henry Chen worked with a multitude of his hospitals, doctors and nurses, delivered thousands of babies, and touched the lives of many thousands of patients.

He was a unique man, a unique doctor and a unique friend. He never stopped caring, working, and making sure everyone around him was well. He accepted calls and appointments any day and any night. He gave all to his patients and friends. He accepted more than physically possible, since all he purely desired was to help every soul he possibly could. Dr. Henry Chen's work ethic was unsurpassed and his caring was endless. He was someone who could not be replaced in this world.

Dr. Henry Chen also went beyond his professional medical path in helping fellow people in the world. He volunteered his time in and sponsored various community events and organizations. He also personally lent helping hands to many friends, family and colleagues. Dr. Henry Chen was a great mentor to everyone who knew him. His morality and unselfishness will be used to teach the children of our future how to live. He will live forever through God and in all of us.


I first met Dr. Chen in 2001 when he went to the Thai church I attended. He was very kind and intelligent. The pictures below were taken at his mansion in South Barrington at a Christmas celebration in December 2003.

I remember Dr. Chen was surrounded with many gifts, toys and children.
I feel he was like a Santa Clause on Christmas' Eve.

He was beaming with joy when giving gifts to children.


In year 2004, I had an opportunity to visit his mansion in South Barrington again.

Dr. Chen invented a coin game, that later became his favorite game.

He filled the glass bottle with one-dollar coins. The person who could guess the closest number of coins in the bottle would win and get the money as the prize. The game was exciting and everybody loved it.

The party was so much fun and everybody was very happy.

His happiness was to make others happy.

Thank you Dr. Chen for bringing all the joy to our Thai Community.
Your gracious heart will always be remembered.


Another memorable party at his Libertyville home in December 2005.
He was so thoughtful, making chocolate fountain for everybody.

He was just so happy hosting party to entertain friends.

And this is his signature gift - the money sheet.
It is the uncut sheet of real money.

The happy group

Boys and girls lined up to receive presents from Dr. Chen.


His staff gave him birthday cakes in his clinic in 2006.

After work on the same night, friends from Thai community gathered at a restaurant by his clinic for his birthday celebration.


Dr. Chen was very proud of this ice sculpture he sponsored to the King's Birthday party in 2006. He told me that he wanted to take it home after the party, but was unable to because it was too heavy.

With his clinic staff at the King's event

Dr. Chen was very happy that year with his new toy - a compact digital camera.
I could see sparkles in his eyes with his new toy, taking pictures of everybody.


Another birthday celebration at his mansion in South Barrington in 2006.
P.C. felt so honor to have an opportunity to perform Lion Dance for him.

He obviously was very excited with the Lion Dance.
In this picture, he playfully peeked in the lion's head to see who's inside.

Dr. Chen received blessing from the Lion.

This was the very first time Dr. Chen was up in front singing with the group.
It was the joyest time for him, knowing everybody was happy.

And this was the time for his signature gift again - money roll in a tube.

And his favorite game - the coin game.

He was up singing on stage again!!! Twice on the same night!!!

Birthday dinner with his clinic staff


This is one of the highlights in his life when he received
" The Most Admirable Order of the Direkgunabhon", the Royal Decoration from the His Majesty King Bhumidol Adulyadej.

His gracious life deserves all the recognitions.


His birthday celebration at Khun Piroj's house in 2007.

He received the biggest birthday card from all the loving friends.

Dr. Chen with celebrity singer - Art Supawat.

Dr. Henry Chen

You will always be remembered

On January 9, 2008, Dr. Henry Chen underwent triple bypass heart surgery to alleviate his medical condition. Very sadly, there was a fatal complication on the second night of recovery. Despite the long and hard efforts of doctors and nurses, he passed away on January 12, 2008.

Dr. Henry Chen is survived by one brother and two sisters. He has two very close brother-in-laws, and was also blessed with twelve loving nephews and nieces. He was and will always be loved dearly by all of his patients, colleagues, employees, friends and family...everyone.

Throughout his entire life, Dr. Henry Chen selflessly devoted himself to everyone in his life. His loving and caring nature came from his strong faith and morality. He will always be with us, always be praying for us from the Heaven above.

The Memorial Service

Memorial service for Dr. Henry Chen on Jan 17-19, 2008, at the Rosehill Cemetery.

The funeral home was filled with loving friends and family.

At the cemetery on January 19, 2008

Royally Given Soil Ceremony

Royally Given Soil Ceremony for Dr. Chen
at Wat Dhammaram on January 27, 2008

Royal Given Soil Ceremony for Dr. Chen at the Rosehill Cemetery

Royally Given Soil

After that,

we who are still alive and are left

will be caught up together

with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

And so we will be with the Lord forever.

I Thessalonians 4:17

Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away; for I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. This is indeed the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him may have eternal life; and I will raise them up on the last day.

John 6.35-40

Dr. Henry Chen

You will always be remembered


SNP said...

One Year Anniversary
In Respectful Memory Of
Great Mentor, Doctor Henry K. Chen, M.D.

It was a shocking moment when I heard “Doctor Chen has passed away …” the voice of my sister over the phone in the chilly winter blast, Sunday Afternoon of January 20, 2008. This news made me feel deep regret in my heart because of not only too late to visit him, but to attend his funeral as well.

My last Holiday card to him was in mid December and last phone call to him was late Saturday Afternoon of December 22, 2007. During that brief conversation, he said, “…Yes, I remember you, SNP … Oh! I received your card, thank you! … I received your card, thank you very much! …”

There are not only wonderful memories and great stories to tell about him, but best advices to remember as well. So, I choose the best one during my ten years experiences as his patient: 1992 to 2002.

Once, I’m not quite sure the exact date, but I believe it was the last Sunday Night of May 1994. I called him around 1 O’clock in the morning. He picked up the phone. Then, I started screaming over the phone, “… I Want To Kill Myself …” He replied, “… Why? … Just Don’t Do It …” Wow! It was a completed full stop! Three days in hospital. I made the right choice to call him that night. Otherwise, I might not be here and writing this condolence. Instead, he would meet me at another peaceful and silent world behind the invisible wall.

Doctor! Thank you so much for making this suicide attempted and/or committed suicide unsuccessfully. It was your greatest gift to me. Again, thank for all you had done for me.

Now, my new journey has begun. Whenever I wake up and get out, I always see the trees surrounding his grave yard, about four little blocks apart from my condo. Welcome to Lincoln Square neighborhood Doctor! I believe he is going to laugh at me whenever he sees me walking through snow, rain, and winter blast to a bus stop.

It seems to me that he still mentors me. Sometimes, while I’m sleeping at night, I feel I had a dream that he came by, knocking on my bedroom window and asking me, “Come on! SNP, let’s go with me.” Ah!!! No, thank! Not now, Doctor! Please!

Doctor! You had made so much joyful lives to many of us. Finally, you left for us only sorrow and sadness because of your too early departure. It’s alright Doctor! It’s a life cycle of human beings: Born, Old, Ill, and Dead. Your works, words, voices, and advices are floating in our memory. Your legacy will never be forgotten and last forever with us. Wishing meet you again!

Doctor! Please have a real peaceful rest in Heaven.

Doctor Henry K. Chen’s crazy patient, SNP
Thank you,

Unknown said...

12/28/2012 Dear Doctor Henry Chen,
I was at work and i thought of you doc and was wondered what you were up too?!haha Its meeeeee Charlie Chung your pal!! Doc I can still remember chilling in the waiting room at your health clinic, as if it was only yesterday or how about when we first met on October 26 1988, the day i was born !! Doc if you could only see me today and how i grew up to be you'd be surprised!!but maybe you already knew I was gonna be a great man. I know, I know i was little kid back then and didn't understand life all too much and much less about death...,but that didnt matter ,what matter was you knew We both had a good heart! Im kicking myself in the head for not coming to see you before the gods took you away from us... but How on earth can i ever forget you man lol.I remember as far back when i was a young kid you were always handing out hot wheels toys to all the kids during Christmas like santa clause! you were always cheerful and always tried to cheer me up when things were bad and For that im grateful. Henry I never got a chance to thank you for bringing me, delivering me into this world! Thank you for all the toys you gave out during the holidays, your hard work, your dedication to the argyle-chinatown-asian community will never be forgotten..
"I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another. Thomas Jefferson"

Sincerely ,
Charlie Chung